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Meditation and God

Divine Discoveries: How Meditation Reveals God's Presence

August 17, 20234 min read

“What delight comes to the one who follows God's ways!” - Psalm 1:1a

How Meditation Reveals God's Presence


The word meditation has a mixed-bag of interpretations. But if we look at just the word meditate, it means to think deeply or carefully about something.

And the practice of meditation is in fact an ancient spiritual discipline with deep Biblical roots. 

Psalms 1:1-3 tells us "delight comes to the one who follows God's ways." And as we remain "true to the Word of 'I AM' meditating day and night on the true revelation of light" you will stand firm "like a flourishing tree planted by God's design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of life."
(TPT, emphasis added)

Brian Simmons, author of The Passion Translation, writes in the commentary for Psalm 1:2: 

"To mediate on the revelation of light day and night means to meditate 24/7 on what is good and delightful. However, day signifies a period of enlightenment (Eph. 1:18) and night signifies a period of obscurity. Both when we have the light of insight and when we seem to be in the dark, meditation is key to unlock the revelation of God.

I love that.

Meditation is key to unlock the revelation of God.

Every time I meet God and His Word in meditation I seem to come away with something I didn’t know before - a revelation.

Whether it’s a sweeter sense of His love, or how I am once again not opening myself up to His grace for my mishaps, God always reveals Himself in life-giving ways. 

As Believers, the more we think deeply or carefully about God, His goodness, His grace, His love and simply spending time in His presence we cultivate a deeper soul-union, an abiding, a communion (a sharing of intimate thoughts and feelings) with our Prince of Peace, our All in All, our Great I AM. 

Experiencing this cellular connection with our Creator, our faith goes from head-knowing to heart-doing; intellectual understanding to living in partnership with Him in our everyday comings and goings, our highs and our heartbreaks. 

It's an overflow, an outpouring of Christ through you into the world in your ordinary, yet sacred everyday moments.

It’s a living out of your faith. 

Try this Simple 2 Minute Christ-Centered Meditation 

Have a piece of scripture you want to set your mind on.

Perhaps for this go-around it’s Psalms 1:1-3 from above, "delight comes to the one who follows God's ways or there is another scripture that is on your heart.

Be in any position, seated or lying down, just be comfortable.

Your hands can be wherever they are happy, maybe 1 hand to heart and 1 hand to belly to come into your place of "being-ness" a bit more or just by your sides. 

Begin by bringing your awareness to God’s presence with you and in you.

As you notice your breath, feel His presence through this gift of each inhale and exhale.

Then read the verse, consider out loud, and simply notice what stands out to you.

Is there a word or phrase that makes your heart skip a beat? Or something that infuses you with gratitude? 

Meditatively reflect on what God is speaking to you in this verse or the word or phrase, how He may be growing you, expanding you, giving you direction.

Wrap things up with praising God for His revelation, direction, love and anything else that stirs from your time with Him. 


This form of meditating on Scripture is simple, powerful, and cultivates deeper roots of intimacy with our Creator. 

Want to try taking it a step further?

A way to ease your way into a longer, deeper meditation practice is guided practices.
Give these ideas a try:

  • Try this free 10 minute Meditation on our Youtube Channel focusing on God's Acceptance:

  • Download the free App Lectio 365 for morning and evening guided meditations and contemplative prayer. Most days the session is 8-10min long:
    Check it out

  • Check us out at With-God Wellness! We offer 10 days free and have over 35 meditations (and counting!) all ranging from 5-35 minutes. Want to sneak a peek of the themes? CLICK HERE

To Meditation and Beyond!

Jen Allbritton
E-RYT 500
B.S. in Kinesiology
Co-Founder of
With-God Wellness

Yoga Teacher

meditationchristian meditationgod's presence
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