Featured Goodness


The Myth of Perfect Posture: A New Perspective

September 12, 20233 min read

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” - 2 Timothy 1:7

The Myth of Perfect Posture


I used to be in the camp of striving for the elusive “perfect posture”.
I thought if I held my body in a certain way, I would cure my pain, or prevent “dysfunction” in my body.

Then came my 300 Hour Yoga Biomechanics Training with Jules Mitchell, MS. Biomechanics and Research Rockstar and all those hypotheses were thrown out the window…yes, hypotheses.

We are often told to hold a certain “alignment” in a yoga pose or “posture” for our safety in life.

First off, this sets the tone for a foundation of fear of moving in general, which as a Christian, is not where God desires us to be.

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” 2 Timothy 1:7

Second, research doesn’t support that “perfect posture” is ideal for the safety of our joints, our pain, or anything else.

If you are in the mood to dig into the research angle, this piece by research-wiz Paul Ingraham, has enough to keep you busy for days www.painscience.com.


Posture is in fact our response to life! And life is movement!
This holy mystery of our body is designed to be in constant motion.

Psalms 139:14-17-18 TPT

"I thank you, God, for making me so mysteriously complex! Everything you do is marvelously breathtaking. It simply amazes me to think about it! How thoroughly you know me, Lord!"

Instead of thinking of “good posture” as something that has a right or wrong, can you shift your perspective to see “good posture” as more about tuning into your body, your mind, your spirit in a way that is healing, efficient, and sustainable for life?

Posture is dynamic, not static!

​Sit with a rounded spine as you cradle your kiddo or lean forward in earnest deep listening to a friend in need, stand up tall and reach for the heavens to worship and celebrate and round your spine and hold your head in your hands while you have a good cry.

These are all “good postures”!

Here is when we get into trouble, when we stay in one posture too long. Not moving enough. There are times when you aren’t even aware that you haven’t moved in certain ways due to patterns, habits, injury, or fear.

Enter the beauty of yoga!

This mindful movement practice encourages us to move our bodies in as many ways as possible, attending to all the nooks and crannies that we don’t do in our normal day to day.

Bottom line, the best way to live into “good posture” is about being present and responding to life. Move your body in as many ways as possible throughout the day to see what you notice and feel.

Check out this short video from Greg Lehman, Physio and Pain Expert:

Looking for some free Christ-centered movement practices to try for yourself? Check out our Take-10 movement snippets on Youtube!

Here's to your faith-filled thriving!

Jen Allbritton
E-RYT 500
B.S. in Kinesiology
Co-Founder of
With-God Wellness

Yoga Teacher

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