Featured Goodness

3 Ways Bodyweight Workouts Can Revolutionize Your Life

3 Ways Bodyweight Workouts Can Revolutionize Your Life

Learn 3 ways body weight exercises can revolutionize your workouts and your life! ...more

Christian Lifestyle ,Yoga & Anatomy

November 01, 20233 min read

Divine Rhythms: 4 Steps to Reboot Your Life with God's Love

Divine Rhythms: 4 Steps to Reboot Your Life with God's Love

How do you depend on God's love and power to reboot your life rhythms? We'll walk you through 4 steps to start the process and rewire your brain to choose God's best for you and those around you. ...more

Christian Lifestyle ,Yoga & Anatomy

September 15, 20233 min read

Stress: Friend or Foe? Unraveling the Truth

Stress: Friend or Foe? Unraveling the Truth

Let's unravel the truth about stress. Can stress actually be used to our advantage? How do we surrender our discomfort to God and move forward in the joy of the Lord? ...more

Christian Lifestyle ,Yoga & Anatomy

September 14, 20233 min read

The Myth of Perfect Posture: A New Perspective

The Myth of Perfect Posture: A New Perspective

Is perfect posture real? How can we view this through a biblical lens? What does this mean for your faith and your day to day experience in connecting with God? ...more

Christian Lifestyle ,Yoga & Anatomy

September 12, 20233 min read

Inflammation & Our Pain Experience

Inflammation & Our Pain Experience

How are inflammation and your daily pain experiences connected? And, more importantly, what can you do about it? Find out where to start, here! ...more

Christian Lifestyle ,Yoga & Anatomy

September 05, 20233 min read

Christian Yoga and The Importance of Your Mind-Body Connection 

Christian Yoga and The Importance of Your Mind-Body Connection 

God designed our bodies to move and when we do it mindfully, regularly, and in all the ways (like yoga offers) we flow more smoothly through life! And because of all the factors that make us unique, m... ...more

Christian Lifestyle ,Yoga & Anatomy

August 08, 20233 min read

The Body's Joy Blueprint: Feel Alive and Thrive!

The Body's Joy Blueprint: Feel Alive and Thrive!

How you can make use of Joy-Glimmers to reconnect to God throughout your day and learn to be alive and thrive! ...more

Christian Lifestyle ,Yoga & Anatomy

July 13, 20232 min read

Does Perfect Yoga Alignment Exist?

Does Perfect Yoga Alignment Exist?

Is there even such thing as perfect alignment when it comes to yoga? This post seeks to provide a framework for consciously and intentionally thinking through this important question. ...more

Yoga & Anatomy

July 10, 20234 min read

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