Featured Goodness

Alive and Thrive

The Body's Joy Blueprint: Feel Alive and Thrive!

July 13, 20232 min read

“God, what blessings do you have for me today? God help me not miss even one of them!”

The Body's Joy Blueprint: Feel Alive and Thrive!


Any chance you need a joy-infusion today? Read on…

Joy Glimmers are a simple, on-the-spot way of returning to your True Source, God of the universe! They are a way of reminding your body, mind, and heart to live into His ease, peace, and rest.

Think of them as the opposite of unsettling, dysregulating emotional triggers. Joy Glimmers are a “micro-moment” to light you up and take you into deeper connection and move you toward “with-God” living!

The goal is to feel into joy! This might be a release of unacknowledged tension, a deep sense of freedom, a tingle of excitement. Anything that feels like you are living into your True Self.

Joy Glimmers are all around and the more we choose to notice, acknowledge, and feel them, we move away from rumination, offense, and defeat. You are literally rewiring your brain to be better able to catch the countless, often seemingly insignificant, graces God offers each day.

Cool science shows us we can choose to use our body to influence our minds! In particular shapes we choose to find with our body will set off a string of physiological biochemistry in motion to feel more confident, brave, and comfortable. For details watch Amy Cuddy’s Tedtalk “Your body language may shape who you are.”

Wanna try?

Checkout the photo above, I call this the Power Pose Joy Glimmer.

While embodying this pose, ask “God, what blessings do you have for me today? God help me not miss even one of them!

Set your phone timer for 30 seconds to 1 minute, allowing God to speak, to move, to give and simply receive.

Finally, pause to savor how it lights you up heart and soul!

Want to take it a step further? Checkout this 30 minute flow-with-weights class from us here at With-God Wellness focusing on God's power!

Love and Gratitude,
Jen Allbritton
E-RYT 500
B.S. in Kinesiology
Co-Founder of
With-God Wellness

Yoga Teacher

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